Enjoy mental health musings, insights, tips and tools for this wild ride we call life.
Thanks for being here!
Ever Wonder How Many Feelings You Experience in 1 day?
Did you know that the average person experiences over 400 emotions a day? While that might sound surprising, what's even more shocking is that we lack a system that teaches people about their emotions effectively.
A Box, A Mask, and Some Linen
Have you ever seen a mummy in real life? Not like a zombie mummy, but one that's in a museum. 🧟
I remember visiting The British Museum a few years back and seeing a few huge sarcophagi. They were awesome, in the true sense of the word.
Seeing them got me thinking – we’re all just mummies.
Advice from a Shamanic Healer
When I was 25, I went through a rough break up. After knowing each other for only two months, he and I made the brilliant decision to travel for three months together in Southeast Asia. There were only two ways that trip was going to end. Coming home, I was heartbroken.
Congratulations! You’re a movie star!
I’m currently reading the book, Sacred Selling, by Melina Abbott, a marketing and sales consultant who teaches spiritually-minded entrepreneurs how to align their businesses with their values. Yup, that’s me folks.
WFT is Astrology?
Back in 2014 (which I can’t believe was 10 years ago!) I enrolled in my first Introduction to Astrology course. If that sentence makes you roll your eyes and want to stop reading, I get it. Lots of people don’t believe in astrology, and that’s okay! I’m just not one of those people.
Anyone Want a Redo?
When you were a kid, did you ever find yourself wanting a redo? “I lost that game, I want a redo!” "I got a bad score on a test, I want a redo!"I missed the shot, I want a redo!”
As we get older, however, the Inner Critic might chime in and say, “You shouldn’t need a redo, it should be perfect the first time.”
You’re Stronger Than That
It was Thursday evening and I arrived at 9Rounds, the kickboxing gym I go to. It had been a day. The kind of day where you want to throw the covers over your head and not come out for a long, long time. It had been a day after a long, few weeks.
Do You Know How to Emotionally Surf?
Last week I was talking to a client about surfing. Not literal surfing, but emotional surfing. Let me explain.
Would You Date You?
As we wrap up this series of emails on attachment styles, I find myself at a bit of a loss. Secure attachment?! What is that?! 😳 😂It seems to be a unicorn. A mystical creature that we're not sure ever existed…Ok, I’m kidding! Sort of.
You Should Avoid Reading This...
If you tuned in to my last post, then you know our theme is attachment styles! But if you missed it and want to read about my confession to being a member of the Anxious Attachment Club, and what that means, click here. This week, we’re moving on to discuss the avoidant attachment style.
How Do You Show Up in Relationships?
Have you ever heard of attachment styles? When I first learned about the concept, my supervisor recommended the well-researched, popular book, Attached. Geez, I had never been so called out by a book before. 😳
Unexpected Healing In My Hometown
Did you know there's a National Measure Your Feet Day? And a National Pick Your Nose Day?! So weird, right? While it seems like everything under the sun has a “National Day,” Saturday's title was particularly special to me. It was National Podcast Day. ☺️
Want To Know My Favorite Question To Ask?
The other day, when talking to a friend, he asked a simple, yet crucial question. “What’s one thing you do to help people validate their feelings?” We had been talking about how people often invalidate their own feelings with phrases like, “I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way.” “It’s really not that big of a deal.” “I shouldn't be crying."
Be The One Who Rescues You
Five months ago I changed the background of my phone to the picture above. Since then, I’ve been asked many times, "who's that?" As most people know I don’t have children. The picture is of me. I am about three or four years old and this is my Inner Child.
What Does Your Inner Teenager Need to Hear?
Do you ever catch yourself rolling your eyes at something? Or rebelling against perceived authority, just because you don’t like being told what to do. If so, you might be you’re feeling your Inner Teenager. 😎
What’s Gut Health Got To Do With It?
If you were around to witness the mini breakdown I shared in my last email, then you get how much I needed some real, healing change after my long summer. Something to help boost my energy, motivation, and mood. Taking a few rest days wasn’t cutting it, so I started the Purium Ten-Day Cleanse to reset my gut health.
What Does Your “Crash” Look Like?
I don’t know know about you, but so far, my summer has been PACKED! First, I spent two weeks in Flordia with my partner's family, then five weeks in Colorado co-facilitating an amazing life changing retreat for young adults (see my previous email for details), then I jetted back to Sacramento where I jumped into co-facilitating ANOTHER retreat at the Authentic Leadership Center.
Where’s Your Happy Place?
When I think of my happy place, I imagine my childhood camp in Colorado that I attended for eight years. I picture a bright blue sky setting a backdrop to perfectly puffy clouds, looking so close you can touch them. I see snow covered peaks and rushing rivers. I feel SAFE and COMFORTABLE here.
What They Don’t Teach in School
Did you know that one in three college students reports feeling severe levels of anxiety and/or depression? Big sigh. I know, it's not most the most UPLIFTING news in the world. But I bring this up for two reasons…
For the Love of Community
One year ago, I wrote to this community for the first time. And if you've been here since the beginning, you know how much has happened this year! You've really witnessed A LOT. Every two weeks I have connected with you all, sharing parts of my journey, my emotions, my thoughts, low points, and excitements.