
Enjoy mental health musings, insights, tips and tools for this wild ride we call life.

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Some of the Best Advice I've Ever Received
mental health Brinn Langdale mental health Brinn Langdale

Some of the Best Advice I've Ever Received

It was my seventh grade year and my English teacher assigned my first BIG essay. I had a vague idea where I wanted to go with it, but I was STUCK. I didn’t know how to start, what to say, or how to spell most words. And I especially didn't know how to move past the paralysis. Then, a family friend shared some key advice that I've used ever since.

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Have You Taken Your M.E.D.S.
mental health Brinn Langdale mental health Brinn Langdale

Have You Taken Your M.E.D.S.

As we move through Mental Health Awareness Month, I thought I'd share one of my favorite tools for checking in around my HEALTH. And by health, I mean all the "healths," physical health, mental health, spiritual health, sexual health, emotional health. Because let's face it, they ALL impact one another and they all make up HEALTH. Our culture often thinks of physical health from the neck down and mental health from the neck up. But isn't your head apart of your body? 

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What's Up With Your Nervous System?
mental health Brinn Langdale mental health Brinn Langdale

What's Up With Your Nervous System?

Do you ever feel in awe of the human body? I sure do! In the blink of an eye, if it senses danger, it increases your heart rate, oxygen intake, and body temperature. It instantly produces chemicals, hormones, tenses muscles, decreases your metabolism, AND shuts off part of your brain. It does this to prepare to fight an attacker, run away, or freeze until it's safe. Just by thinking a simple thought the body automatically fires off those messages.

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Why I Don't Do Self-Care, and Why You Shouldn't Either.
mental health Brinn Langdale mental health Brinn Langdale

Why I Don't Do Self-Care, and Why You Shouldn't Either.

If you google the term self-care, you'll receive over 4 billion responses. It seems to be viewed as the cure-all for almost every ailment. But if you ask anyone who is exhausted, burned out, anxious or depressed if they’ve tried adding more self-care to their life, it might take everything in their power to NOT smack you.

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How Do You Make Hard Choices?
mental health Brinn Langdale mental health Brinn Langdale

How Do You Make Hard Choices?

One year ago my life changed dramatically. I said yes to the adventure of a lifetime; living on the road, in a 22 foot long Sprinter van with my partner. And this weekend, on the one year anniversary of this journey, things changed. We made a new choice.  One that is scary, unsure and empowering. 

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Why I couldn't Meditation for Years
mental health Brinn Langdale mental health Brinn Langdale

Why I couldn't Meditation for Years

I get a lot of questions about meditation from my clients. And it makes sense. Ask anyone these days if they think meditation is good for them and most of the time you'll hear a resounding YES. But, ask if they meditate and you'll hear all sorts of reasons why they don't. 

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New Year, New You? I Call BS
mental health Brinn Langdale mental health Brinn Langdale

New Year, New You? I Call BS

Has anyone else felt like this year is off to a SLOW start? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Maybe it's that we started the year with Mars in Retrograde, or maybe it was the INSANE weather we faced here in Sacramento. Or maybe that's just what I like to tell myself. 😂

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Feelings, Feelings, Feelings!
Brinn Langdale Brinn Langdale

Feelings, Feelings, Feelings!

Feelings, feelings, feelings! Sometimes when I’m overwhelmed with emotions, I actually don’t feel anything at all. Shutting down and numbing out is a defense mechanism that has been protecting me my whole life. This is often why people do things to “feel alive”. But the numbness is usually a result of OVERWHELM by ALL the feelings. It’s a double edge sword really.

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