Do You Believe in Signs?
Yesterday, I was driving along a backcountry road when I spotted a huge coyote running full speed through an open field. And he was on a direct course to HIT my car.
I slowed to a crawl, not wanting to collide but unsure of where he was, when suddenly he sprinted from the bushes, barely missing me.
He didn’t skip a beat. He just kept beelining across the road, over the fence and through another field. I’d NEVER seen anything like it!
He was so laser-focused on where he was going that he didn’t even flinch at the two fences and car in his way.
That morning, I had prayed for a SIGN.
After letting the scene sink in, this is the message I received from the coyote. “Stay laser focused. Don't stop. Don’t let anything get in your way. Keep going.”
Tomorrow I’ll be 35.
And lately, I’ve been feeling a little lost, unmotivated, a little unclear of my next move, which has been weighing on me as I approach the big 3-5. But to me, this message was CLEAR.
So I went home and applied for a Hypnotherapy Certification course. A program that has been on my mind for the last year. And now, on the eve of my birthday, I feel excited to enter a new year!
To level up, again. To find new ways of helping others. To try new things, even if they fail. To go after my dreams of serving and reaching more people.
BECAUSE, what do I have to lose?
So, is there a sign you're waiting on? Is there something in the back of your mind that you're ready to go after? Maybe this is the sign you're looking for.