Musings and photos from a traveling therapist
Navigating the road of life is hard!
That’s why Mental Health Mail offers inspiring insights, journaling prompts, meditations, free guides, and even some humor, as you drive forward on your healing journey.
Let's Talk about Talking: Part III
In the last two blog posts, Let’s Talk about Talking Parts I & II, we discussed a variety of nuanced components of communication that are important to understand for clear expression. Now, we will walk through a hands-on model to use when expressing yourself to someone else.
Let's Talk about Talking: Part II
I learned, we all tell ourselves stories, in our head, that are often not true. So keep asking yourself, “What is the story I am telling myself?” and watch how seamlessly your awareness of yourself, your thoughts and your emotions start to shift.
Let's Talk about Talking: Part 1
Communication. We chat with checker at the grocery store, we discuss our life with our best friend, we connect with our partner, we teach our children, we email our boss and we form new relationships with clients. In a way, communication is life. So why do so many people feel like they don’t know how to do it?!