
Mediation is like eating your vegetables.

After one day of eating healthy you probably won’t see or feel a difference. But in the long run, after consistent consumption of healthy foods, our bodies and minds start to feel better, function more properly, and eventually crave that type of food. Yes, sometimes we’d rather eat pizza (and by we, I mean, I) just like sometimes we want to skip mediation.

But after a lot of pizza, the body and mind start to suffer.

Meditation has been a huge part of my healing process. While there are so many different types of mediation, overall, the idea is that you take time out of the business of life to slow down and connect to yourself.

Connect to a space inside your own body, mind and consciousness.

For some, it could be a form of prayer that connects you to a high power or something outside of yourself. Or it could have nothing to do with that whatsoever.

The choice is yours. It’s personal.

For me, I always sit in mediation with my eyes locked on my third eye, tongue on the roof of my mouth, spine straight, palms face up on my knees. According to Kundalini Yoga teachings, this posture helps connect meridian points and the eye gaze stimulates the pituitary gland, which helps regulate hormones and emotions.

Whether it’s true or not, I know it helps me stay centered.

I often start with two different types of breath work; alternative nostril breathing and breath of fire. After, I sit in stillness, quietly enjoying the buzz from the breath work, and repeat the simple phrase “Thank You”. I say “Thank You” over and over and over again, filling up every cell in my body with gratitude.

I am not necessarily thinking of anything specific, except for the simple act of giving thanks.

I start to take note of how my body feels; how the breath feels going in and out of my nose, how my chest and belly rise and fall in rhythm.

Then, I start to bring into my awareness anything that I want to bring into my life.

This is the time when I directly communicate with the Universe. I often communicate simply and directly, asking to be shown the next step for me to take. Asking for direction and affirming that I am in my right place.

I don’t expect an “answer” in the form of words or a voice talking to me.

I simply request peace, patience, understanding, knowledge, and love for all beings. Throughout the day, I follow whatever inspiration comes up.

I try to notice little messages or signs sent my way, helping to guide me along my path.

Then, I start to visualize what I want more of in my life; like career choices, money, friends, love, connection, travel, etc. and I visualize myself already achieving those things. Currently, I visualize myself at a book signing for my published book and speaking on stage in front of hundreds of people.

I visualize myself happy and fulfilled.

And especially, if there is a particular person with whom I am having a challenging time, I visualize myself being in loving light with them. And if I am not able to do that, then I just have a moment where I send them peace and love.

 So, have you had your vegetables today?


Thank You

