One of My Passions

I am obsessed with resources!

Without them, we wouldn’t have any support, help, knowledge, healing, understanding. We all need resources

So what are resources?

One particular definition that I read stated,

“Resource: An action or strategy which may be adopted in adverse circumstances.” 

It reminds me that when things are bleak, we CAN take action to shift the situation. 
And that is what I LOVE; taking action when things are down. 

So are you the kind of person who sits and thinks about their situation, HOPING it will change?


Are you the type of person to take ACTION, trying to change your situation for the better?

I’ve been both types of people at different points in my life and I am so GRATEFUL for the resources that were provided to me, and which I chose to use, that have helped me shift my life. 

That’s one of the things I am most PASSIONATE about; helping CONNECT people to resources, to others, to experiences, to actions and strategies that will help SHIFT their adverse circumstances. 

That’s why I am so EXCITED about my next BIG project! Soon I’ll be announcing what I’ve been working on so others like YOU can CONNECT, BENEFIT, LEARN, GROW, and HEAL. 

Sometimes we just need to know where to look to find the answers. 




15 Things I have Learning from 15 Years of Running.