
We all know those moments when we DON’T listen to our intuition.

We just ignore it. We all hear the little whisper of a voice, a thought, a gut feeling, a specific twinge that moves our body naturally one direction or another.

And then, BOOM, it changes.

FEAR cuts in, intercepting the intuitive feeling and interjecting its own thoughts and stories about the situation.

Should I say that?
Should I do this?
Should I go that way?
Should I make this decision?
The list goes on…

Once fear cuts in the little voice gets quieter, and in some cases, silences the voice completely.

And we all know what it feels like to NOT listen to our intuition.

You kick yourself. Every. Single. Time. You want so badly to take it back because you totally knew better! It would be one thing if you didn’t know better and you genuinely made a miscalculation, but those moments when you know, you know.

NOW, think of a time when you actually DID listened to your intuition and it worked out really well!

You know that feeling when you’ve listened to your gut. Your raw, true, honest-to-God-or-whatever-you-want-to-call-it gut feeling about something.

Not the anxious gut which feels tight and butterfly-esque, but the calm and peaceful feeling of confidence, knowing you are following the path you are supposed to taking in that precise moment.

That feeling feels fucking great. Do that more. 👊🏼


For The Love of Community


Changes on the Horizon