Take Control in Uncertain Times
I have to admit—I’m exhausted. This past week has been a whirlwind of travel, celebrating beautiful moments of love, and facing the uncertainty of what’s next.
My mind’s been in overdrive, trying to “figure it all out,” wondering why things are as they are.
But here’s the truth:
things simply are as they are.
And the more we fight this reality, the more drained we feel.
Now, I’m not suggesting we should be passive or just go along with everything.
But, when we resist acceptance, that’s when frustration, anger, or even numbness can set in for the long haul, making it harder to think clearly.
When we accept the reality of the situation, that’s when we can see our next step with more clarity.
Maybe that step is speaking up, or maybe it’s giving yourself some extra self care, or even taking a break from the news.
Whatever it is, make your move from a place of acceptance so you can bring your whole, empowered self to it—not your Inner Critic or overwhelmed Inner Child.
Here’s a little reminder: you can control more of what you can control than you might realize.
Read that again.
Right now, focusing on what’s within your control can help you feel grounded and empowered.
So, what does that look like?
Believe it or not, you can control your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions. You can choose what you put into your body, what media you consume, what beliefs you reinforce, and which ones you let go of. You can control who you interact with, where you go and what you do.
You also have the choice to accept things as they are—and then DO SOMETHING about it.
Remember, taking control of what you can, while embracing the reality of the situation, can lead you toward the next right step—even if, like one of my clients discovered, that step is simply doing nothing for now.
Sometimes, that’s the exact action that’s needed, before making the next move.
Take care, and remember—you’ve got this. We’ve got this.