Why Awareness is Win (and How to Build it)
This past week, I had a rupture with someone I love.
It was hard—I could feel myself starting to spiral. I felt conflicted in my inner world, torn between wanting to show up for them and, pulling away, and shutting down.
But here’s the good news (yes, there is good news): I SAW what I was doing. I was aware of it!
And then afterwards, with a little space to sort through my feelings, I was able to come back and totally own my side of things.
I could apologize easily and explain what I was thinking, and how I was feeling, which created a beautiful repair.
And that’s huge!
This was the Adult part of me showing up—something that wasn’t there in the past.
How often do we find ourselves on autopilot, reacting to whatever is happening around us, with no awareness of how we're acting? And then we justify how we act by blaming whatever is happening around us, without owning our reactions.
For most of us, it’s pretty often.
So when I notice what I’m doing, even if I can’t fully pull myself out of it yet, I count that as a win.
Because noticing is where growth begins.
I see myself learning and growing, and I know it’s shaping a different future. A future where I can freely explain what’s happening inside me and let the other person in on my experience, without feeling overly threatened or scared.
This would have never happened in the past!
Over time, I’ve watched myself shift, change, and handle upsets in new ways—and it’s only because I’ve worked on building my Adult-self.
What do I mean by my “Adult-self”? I’m talking about the observer part of us that sees the bigger picture—the part that understands what’s happening from a logical, grounded, and mature perspective.
And that’s exactly what we’ll be diving into in the Strengthening Your Adult workshop happening tomorrow.
This is the last free workshop of the year and the finale in a four-part series that’s been running since September.
If this speaks to you and you’re ready to strengthen your own Adult-self—so you can feel more present, grounded, and secure in your life—join us tomorrow at 12 PM PST / 3 PM EST.
You can find all the details below.
Hope to see you there!
PS: Here’s a link to register for the workshop.