All Humans Are Creative – Prove Me Wrong!
For the past five months, I've had the distinct pleasure of being a part of a creativity support group—or at least that's how I think about it 😂
This group, led by the magical Steph Dodds, meets three times per week to connect about creative projects and release any blocks we have to being our most amazing, brilliant selves.
Who wouldn't love a group like that?
As we go through this process of releasing blocks, we use a technique called tapping. I've written about tapping before (you can read the blog post here) because it's truly one of my favorite ways to process out the gunk that we humans seem to accumulate.
I mean, just think about the statement, "I am creative."
For most people, that's a hard no. And I get it—I used to be one of them.
Throughout my childhood, as I was writing fervently in my journal, doodling on the sides of any paper I had in front of me, singing along in the car, coming up with solutions to problems in my life, playing sports, rearranging furniture, dancing to anything with a beat, taking pictures, and cooking food—I was telling myself I wasn't creative.
Maybe you can relate.
As I'm learning from this group, to be human is to be creative.
The way your mind works, the thoughts you have, your imagination—these things are all creativity expressing itself.
If you don't think you have an imagination, just think about those 2am doomsday scenarios your anxiety seems to make up about the future—talk about creativity!
This past weekend, I saw the chart-topping movie Inside Out 2 with a lovely group of therapists I've met here in Asheville.
If you haven't seen either of the Pixar masterpieces, I highly recommend them.
In these movies, they depict our different emotions as actual people.
In the latest movie, they bring in the emotion Anxiety 😵💫
The way they paint the picture of how Anxiety uses our creative energy to try and keep us safe from all the billions of possible catastrophes is really brilliant.
And it goes to show just how creative humans really are.
We have the ability to think up all these elaborate situations and have endless conversations in our heads with people that never happen.
Our brain can keep us so fearful of bad things happening that we risk never experiencing the beautiful miracle that life really is.
So take a second and think about what your imagination has been stirring up for you. Are they thoughts of worry, what-ifs, and I-can'ts?
If so, try turning your creative energy into imagining a future that works for you, not against you.
Use your naturally occurring human creativity to fill your head with thoughts that are exciting, filled with personal success, love, contentment, and peace.
These things are possible, but only if we imagine a life where they are.
Comment below and let me know what your creative endeavors have been lately.
As I'm learning, we all have 'em.